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Good morning, this is Bruno, bringing you the climate news for Geneva Solutions, just as the “last chance” Climate Ambition summit, marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, is about to gather tomorrow.

We talk to François Gemenne, a lead author at the IPCC, about whether the targets can be achieved. We also listen to the call of a young Swiss student disappointed by her own country’s lack of ambition.

Meanwhile UNEP measures what needs to be done to bridge the emissions gap, and International Mountain Day reminds us why resilience will soon be worth more than snow.

photo journaliste

Bruno Jochum


Today’s reason for hope

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Jeff Bezos at one of the conservatories in Amazon headquarters in Seattle. (Keystone/Ted S. Warren)

Amazon’s climate pledge has some powerful new recruits. Thirteen more companies, including Microsoft, Brooks Running and Unilever, are joining the initiative and committing to carbon neutrality by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris deal. This brings the club to 31 members. While CEO Jeff Bezos has said that this is ‘an important signal to the market’, some critics remain skeptical of Amazon’s commitments.

The Seattle Times (EN)

Climate news

Bridging the existential emissions gap. With 126 countries now committing to net zero carbon neutrality by 2050, the planetary ship may be able to change its course “just before midnight”. Because until now, political declarations have hardly had any impact on the cruise direction towards the big iceberg.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

Climate targets, borders, and the link between the two. An IPCC lead author and specialist of environmental policy and population movements, explains why we need more open borders to face the climate crisis.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

Building mountain resilience is key, experts say. Mountains host more than half of the world’s freshwater resources. But as temperatures rise, these reservoirs could disappear by the end of the century, with severe consequences for the planet.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

‘Switzerland’s new climate plan lacks sufficient ambition’. Switzerland is “relegating itself to the sidelines” in the fight against climate change, argues Graduate Institute student Sarah Schoch, who says revised climate targets submitted this week do not go far enough.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

Here's what else is happening

Image of the day

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Extinction Rebellion protest outside the health deparment in Melbourne. (Keystone/Erik Anderson)

‘Covid today, climate tomorrow’. White sheet covered bodies blocked the entrance of the department of health in Melbourne, Australia on Thursday as Extinction Rebellion and health professionals staged a morgue-style ‘die-in’ to bring awareness to the climate emergency. Several members glued their hands to the building as part of the protest and were later arrested. The activist group, which promotes non-violent civil disobedience to push for climate action, is known for its theatrical methods.

Next on the agenda

12 December | Global Climate Ambition Summit. Five years into the Paris deal, leaders across government, business and civil society gather online to set out new bold commitments to tackle climate change.


14 December | Ecoféminisme de subsistance. After working on issues related to violence against women, researcher Geneviève Pruvost looks at ecological alternatives and ecofeminism in rural areas.


16 December | Environment and emergencies in the face of Covid-19. A key element of emergency response is the rapid identification and mitigation of environmental risks. This webinar draws lessons from past emergencies.


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Have a good day!

Avenue du Bouchet 2
1209 Genève