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Good morning, this is Michelle, and on our radar today we're looking at how natural capital became the buzzword of the week after the One Planet Summit inspired some powerful investors to take an interest in biodiversity.

We’re also covering how hitting the brakes drives up air pollution. Plus, the UN Environment Programme says the world is far from ready to face the consequences of climate change.

photo journaliste

Michelle Langrand


Today’s reason for hope

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Fishermen collect their catch on the banks of the River Ganges in Prayagraj, India, 27 August, 2019. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh)

Kadal Osai, a small radio station in India that helps protect fisherfolk and the environment. Started in 2016 by Armstrong Fernando, a third-generation fisherman, the station offers information to the fishing community on everyday life and also how to support conservation efforts.

Hakai Magazine (EN)

Climate News

💰 Making a profit from nature. Ambitious commitments to invest in biodiversity were made this week at the One Planet Summit, including Prince Charles’s launch of the Natural Capital Investment Alliance. How can preserving and restoring ecosystems be turned into a lucrative business?

Geneva Solutions (EN)

🚘 Hitting the brakes on traffic pollution. As a major source of pollution, vehicles have to follow a great number of regulations, all but in one area. The UN Economic Commission for Europe is working to measure emissions from braking systems, hoping to introduce standards in the future.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

🌀 Preparedness for climate impact is lacking. While most countries have adopted plans to protect themselves from floods, droughts and so on, these do not have sufficient funding to be put into place, according to a report by UNEP.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

Here's what else is happening

Image of the day

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'Lots of Gretas flying around'. Sweden's postal service launched on Thursday a set of stamps featuring climate activist Greta Thunberg, known for having instigated the global strike movement Fridays for Future in 2018. The new stamps are illustrated by Henning Trollback and revolve around the theme of the environment. PostNord, who has featured other Swedish celebrities such as Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Greta Garbo on its stamps, hopes to "shine a light on the very important climate question."

Reuters (EN)

Next on the agenda

18 - 22 January | How to feed the world in times of the pandemic and climate change? This four-day virtual event will discuss two particular challenges to the global food supply: Covid-19 and climate change.

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (EN)

19 January | How to strengthen mineral resource governance in 2021. The online discussion will explore mineral resource governance ahead of the 5th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.

Green Growth Knowledge Platform (EN)

20 January | Implementing the forest sector SDG roadmap. One year on from the launch of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s forest sector SDG roadmap, this webinar is aimed at hearing from member companies about the progress made so far.


Word of the day

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Meaning “little girl” in Spanish, La Niña is a cooling climate phenomenon that occurs naturally every few years when sea surface temperatures drop in the central and eastern tropical Pacific ocean. It can have effects on the weather around the world. Worryingly, 2020 was one of the warmest years on record, despite La Niña’s arrival in August. In the past, unusually warm years, like 2016, have coincided with its warmer counterpart, El Niño, or “little boy”.

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Have a good day!

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1209 Genève