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Hi, this is Paula. An investigation by our colleagues at The New Humanitarian revealed that Israel blew up homes in Gaza to clear the way for a US-led project to bring aid to the enclave.

As the destruction of the Strip continues and its civilian death toll now exceeds 34,000, arrest warrants against Israel’s prime minister and military top guns could help rebalance the International Criminal Court’s image.

And in Haiti where a new PM was announced Wednesday, a UN human rights expert says the new government will not be able to control gang violence on its own.

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Paula Dupraz-Dobias


Today’s top headlines

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View of the infrastructure built by the Israeli military to be the staging point for the management and distribution of humanitarian aid arriving by the Gaza pier. (Keystone/Israel Defense Forces/UPI)

🏚️Israeli military demolished homes to make way for US Gaza aid pier. An investigation found that homes were blown up in an area south of Gaza City where an aid terminal will be built, posing questions of legality for Israel and groups such as the World Food Programme involved in the aid operation.

The New Humanitarian (EN)

⚖️Legal pressure mounts on Israeli leaders. Arrest warrants against Israel’s leaders could allow the International Criminal Court to regain legitimacy, according to Fuad Zarbiyev, international law professor at the Graduate Institute.

Le Temps (FR)

🇭🇹Haiti can’t survive without the Kenyan-led international security force. A UN human rights expert says that the new governing council alone will not be able to control gang violence without global support.

Pass Blue (EN)

🏛️International law adapts as climate court cases add up. Following the recent ruling against Switzerland in the International Court of Justice, the Hague-based institution is considering whether states are liable for climate damages, with other bodies also looking into related issues.

Swissinfo (EN)

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