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Morning, it's Bruno bringing the latest climate news for Geneva Solutions.

This week we talk to Peter Maurer, the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, on the climate countdown, consequences for people, and the responsibility to decarbonize. Meanwhile, the Forum of Mayors adopted the Geneva declaration for sustainable cities and The Guardian walks the talk on emissions.

photo journaliste

Bruno Jochum


Today’s reason for hope

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UNECE/Pierre Albouy

Geneva's strong message for more resilient cities. A first-of-its-kind United Nations’ Forum of Mayors culminated in the endorsement of the Geneva Declaration of Mayors calling for concrete action in all aspects of urban life.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

Climate News

Peter Maurer on the climate emergency, funding and the decarbonisation of the ICRC. Geneva Solutions talks to the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross about the unprecedented risks the planet is facing.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

'A Nobel prize for environmentalism' is being launched by the UK's Prince William and Sir David Attenborough. They say the search is on for 50 solutions to the world's gravest environmental problems by 2030.


The Guardian walks the talk to reach net-zero emissions by 2030. The British newspaper is going the extra (green) mile in its efforts to tackle climate change.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

Here's what else is happening

Image of the day

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Climate scientists this week said the ozone hole over the Antarctic was "the largest and deepest in recent years”. The ozone layer, which protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation, and has been gradually healing after the Montreal Protocol adopted in 1986 widely phased out harmful ozone-depleting substances. However, Vincent-Henri Peuch, director of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said its bigger size this year “confirms we need to continue enforcing the Montreal Protocol".

Copernicus (EN)

Next on the agenda

10 October | TED Countdown On Saturday, TED will launch a worldwide climate initiative with a whole host of virtual events, including one in the Geneva region organised by TedXNyon.


13 October | Making good food more sustainable This talk will explore the intersection between agriculture and energy in building more sustainable food systems.

The Rockefeller Foundation (EN)

16 October | World Food Day The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN is hosting a day of virtual events and discussions also marking its 75th anniversary.


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Have a good day!

Avenue du Bouchet 2
1209 Genève