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Good morning, it's Kasmira, and today we're covering the confusing world of ESG ratings – and those in Geneva helping to decipher it.

And in London this weekend, G7 finance ministers endorsed a move to force banks and companies to reveal their exposure to climate risks, in what could pave the way for an agreement ahead of Cop26. Plus, why "what would Jesus do?" is a question every impact-driven investor should ask themselves.

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Kasmira Jefford


Sustainable Business & Finance news

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(Credit: Seagul/Pixabay)

The confusing world of ESG ratings. The boom in sustainable investing has also created a huge demand for services from data providers, ratings and indices that assess how well companies are addressing ESG concerns. However, these different sources of information can be difficult for investors to compare, prompting independent verifiers, including Geneva-based Conser, to enter the game.

Geneva Solutions (EN)

'What Would Jesus Do?' A question for every impact-driven investor. Faith-based investing is often considered as old as religion itself and religion is seen as having played a central role in the early development of sustainable and responsible investing. But where do these trailblazers stand today? A study by researchers at Zurich's Centre for Sustainable Finance seeks to answer the question.

Centre for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth (EN)

Here's what else is happening

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Volunteers collect garbage from the banks of the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon marking World Environment Day, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Saturday, June 5, 2021. (Keystone/AP Photo/Bruna Prado)

G7 backs a move to make climate risk disclosure mandatory for banks and companies...and endorses a parallel initiative for reporting on the impact on nature. At a meeting held in London on Saturday, finance ministers from the G7 said they supported making the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) mandatory for large, privately-held businesses as well as for those with shares listed on public markets. A similar task force on nature risks was also launched on Saturday, with the aim of delivering a framework for organisations by 2023. The launch came as countries marked World Environment Day.

Swissinfo (EN)

Next on the agenda

8 June | Trade and gender linkages – an analysis of least developed countries. The event will launch the joint publication by UNCTAD and the Enhanced Integrated Framework and provide the opportunity for a high-level debate on how to make trade contribute to women's economic empowerment in the LDCs.


10 June | Child Labour: 2020 Global estimates, trends and the road forward. The report, by the International Labour Organization and UNICEF, will detail new global estimates for the number of children in child labour and comes ahead of the World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June.


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Have a good day!

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