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Good morning, this is Michelle. The world is grappling with soaring levels of food insecurity, and countries are scrambling to find the best way to respond. Longtime shunned, genetically modified crops promising higher yields and better resistance to extreme climate conditions might get their moment under the sun as countries reconsider their hardline stance against GMO cultivation.

One of the fiercest opponents of the biotech solution was in Geneva last month to warn against the dangers of relying on crops owned by a handful of companies.

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Michelle Langrand


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Vandana Shiva at the Société de Lecture (Courtesy of Société de Lecture)

From battling loggers in her home state of Uttarakhand in Northern India in the 1970s, to nuclear physicist, Vandana Shiva has become one of the faces of a global movement that counters genetically-modified organisms, or GMOs. She has been called many times the “Gandhi of Grain” for advocating for civil disobedience to fight environmental injustice.

The activist has written books and articles and has been featured in several documentaries to preach the benefits of organic farming and warn about the hazards of GMOs. Her outspokenness has earned her both praise and criticism on a highly divisive issue within food rights groups but also the scientific community.

While the rapid decline of biodiversity has been forcing countries to take a hard look at how they produce food and consume it, soaring levels of hunger partly due to the war in Ukraine are now compelling them to review their misgivings about genetically modified crops whose proponents say can be made to be climate resilient.

Shiva, who was in Geneva in March to speak at an event organised by the Société de Lecture and the Geneva International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights, told Geneva Solutions why GMOs are not the answer.

Read the full story on Geneva Solutions

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1209 Genève