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Hello, this is Kasmira. Today we're reading about what it means to localise and decolonise aid, as told by Sofia Sprechmann Sineiro, the secretary general of CARE International.

Meanwhile, the health risks of climate change are being put under the microsope ahead of Cop27 – and what next for the Black Sea grain deal, after Russia's suspension?

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Kasmira Jefford


On our radar

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Sofia Sprechmann Sineiro (centre), secretary general of CARE International, visiting a shelter in Lviv, Ukraine operated by CARE partner Tvoya Opora in September 2022. (Credit: Care International)

🗣️ Aid profiles: The head of CARE on her decolonisation ‘journey’. In the latest in its series of profiles of humanitarians, The New Humanitarian speaks to Sofia Sprechmann Sineiro, the secretary general of CARE International to understand what she – a woman from the Global South – made of the well-trodden efforts to localise and decolonise aid. How did these issues affect her personally as she rose through the ranks of the aid system? And how do those experiences influence how she leads the organisation today?

The New Humanitarian (EN)

Here’s what else is happening

Science and diplomacy reads by GESDA

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(Credit: Stockvault)

Longtermism. It’s the new buzz-word, a trending philosophy that makes it simple: despite the mess we have made of our planet, we can still save future generations (over the coming centuries), but only at the price of making heavy sacrifices in our lives today, as an in-depth article in the NewRepublic puts bluntly it. What this means exactly is also well described in an opinion article in the Singularity Hub.

But wait: simultaneously, the November/December edition of the MIT Technology Review (read below), entitled the “Mortality issue”, comes out. Through some fascinating articles, it asks whether there is a limit to human life, and if so, how could we prolong it.

If humans happen to live much, much longer, making longtermism a useless concept – those same humans would be part of this same long-term future that this philosophy is supposed to save –, would that be an additional and maybe even more acceptable reason to do everything possible to make the world a better place to live in, rather than a sacrifice?

Olivier Dessibourg, GESDA

The Mortality Issue. How scientists want to make you young again.

MIT Technology Review (EN)

The technopolar moment. How digital powers will reshape the global order.

Foreign Affairs (EN)

From pitless cherries to softer kale, this startup is using CRISPR to make better produce.

Singularity Hub (EN)

Mind-reading AI works out what you are thinking from brain scans.

New Scientist (EN)

A new doorway to the brain. Neuroscientists can now explore the “wild west” in our heads in incredible detail.

Nautilus (EN)

China’s space station is almost complete – how will scientists use it?

Nature (EN)

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This selection is proposed by the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator GESDA, working on anticipating cutting-edge science and technological advances to develop innovative and inclusive solutions for the benefit of the planet and its inhabitants.

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